13001 N 35th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85029

(602) 942-7530

This Week

Southern California fires:  ECO Southern and Mission Presbyteries are jointly receiving donations to care for the needs of those impacted by the recent fires.  Here is the link to donate to them


In addition, ECO Synod says the following two organizations are trustworthy to provide aide with donated monies that will go towards the Southern California fires:

World Renew:                                                                            https://connect.clickandpledge.com/w/Form/92b6c523-d149-48a3-8297-5de871dc6e9f


Convoy Of Hope                                                                                                            https://convoyofhope.org/disaster-services/california-fires-25/


The Shocklies’, our ECO Hope Presbytery church plant ministry in Scotland, are funded through The Antioch Partners  https://www.theantiochpartners.org/partner-directory/caleb-and-summer-shocklie

The Goodman’s with Mission Aviation Fellowship – use planes to reach remote peoples – are in financial need.                                                                                                                                                                https://give.maf.org/s/?_gl=1*39lcxm*_gcl_au*MjA3NzY0NTM4MC4xNzM2NzM1MDI0*_ga*MjA4NjU5OTI5NC4xNzM2NzM1MDI0*_ga_N40M2G9B6J*MTczNjczNTAyNC4xLjAuMTczNjczNTAyNC42MC4wLjA.

select: 9402 | Craig and Ruth Goodman: Ministry Support