Christian Education
We have a variety of opportunities for Bible-based learning here at Northminster Presbyterian Church, for all ages.
Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Library
We provide a nursery for newborn – 5 years during the Sunday morning Worship Service. Please tell the caregivers if there are any food allergies or special dietary needs as we strive to keep our little ones healthy and happy.
For parents who desire to keep their small infant nearby, there is an infant room inside the Sanctuary should privacy or a changing table be required.
Also, during the Sunday morning Worship Service, we have a Children’s Church time for children Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. We meet in the library located to the left of the Sanctuary doors. The children learn what is in God’s Word, color a handout or do a small craft.
The youth group meets in the basement on Sunday afternoons from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Our study is “Hollywood Heroes”
This is geared for kids 6th to 12th grade, but we encourage parents and grandparents to come and see what we are doing.
Women’s Bible study TBD, Beth Moore study on 1 Thessalonians. Taking poll for best time during the summer months.
Throughout the church year we have opportunities for additional growth through Advent Devotionals and Lenten Devotionals.
Christian Education and Youth Teams
Youth Director: Carol Pickens
Youth Teacher: Larry Pickens
Adult Bible Study: Rev Mat Brown
Nursery care: Stacy Mathews, Karen Knowles, Nicole Brebner
K-3rd: rotation of adults: Carol and Larry Pickens, Nicole Brebner, Rhonda Gordon, Teri Mileham, Sue Fenton
Larry Pickens Elder Liaison.